Golf in the time of COVID

Golf is such a fun game and you can play for a lifetime. But there are some things that affect every part of daily life. COVID has been one of those things. It’s even affected golf in a big way.

I’ve recently started going back to the driving range and it’s been great to get out. There’s nothing like trying to hit a little ball as far as you can. It really calms a guy down.

For me, hitting balls is a zen experience. It gives me the chance to focus on one thing. I can let the everyday stresses fall by the wayside. My mind gets clear and my body relaxes.

Of course, if I’m not hitting well it can also ruin my day…but that’s not what we’ll focus on!

The effects of COVID on the driving range have been interesting. Of course we are all required to wear masks until we get to our stall. We also practice social distancing when walking around the golf course grounds. I’m encouraged that these safe practices have been followed at my local range.

When I get to the stall, I feel pretty good about taking my mask off because every other stall is closed. That’s just kinda nice, too. I had some personal space and could just focus on my swing.

Overall, getting back out to the range has been pretty great. I love hitting balls and getting ready to play. I hope you do too!

Finally, the government is allowed golf courses to open up, but its a different game. Take driving ranges for example. Sure the driving range is open, but now every other stall is closed so they can’t accommodate everybody.